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Matt Carroll 

Matt Carroll grew up in a square mile town in New Jersey. Something that caught his attention was photography. He was giving a point and shoot camera for his 10th birthday it became something that he never put it down. A few years later he moved on to a DSLR and was amazed at the quality. He thought it was so awesome that you can switch the lenses and even add a speed light, changed his perspective on photography. Fascinated by the moving picture he learned that his DSLR also did video. Matt began making weird abstracted work then moved to actors. His actors started a YouTube channel and made skits together. In high school, MSG Varsity was a club that was a sister company of MSG. He was senior camera operator and editor for them it was a small club that film anything that was going on at the school like sports, plays, events, etc. while in high school him and his friends that started the YouTube stated an entertainment business. Eventually we started to get recognized so we started hosting club events and would have awesome videos and pictures of the events. After high school he moved away for college to study film and video production at the Art institute of Philadelphia, a huge change for him. In college he stating getting lots of paid gigs and lots of experience. He learned a lot about film and how other people really are. He is still in school for film and expected to graduate in 2017.


Tel: 732 325 4588


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